i'm putting this up here basically because i don't want to throw a giant overwhelming wodge of images in your DMs - it's not linked anywhere else right now, and won't ever be if you don't want that.

so here's the project i've been working on (embroidery floss on felt): the little Auden otter!

yolo insisted on being involved at every stage (he really loves peoplekittens): yolo helping pick colors

a bell, a rosary my great-grandmother made, a candle dressed with Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo: it smells so good!

close-up on Auden's new neighbors! the guy with the joint is my Uncle John, the young boy on the white background is my mom's childhood friend Dicky, and the guy making the cunnilingus gesture is my friend Jesse (he absolutely insisted i use that exact picture, and i've argued with enough dead people in my life to let him have it his way): they're great

and here is the WHOLE beloved dead shrine! i'll tell you all about everybody if you want, sometime, but for now, just know this: they're buzzing with contentment like a happy beehive

by abby, fucking around in 2023. made with love, powered by sugarfree red bull.