Bogged Down

here are some of the incredibly frustrating fun little mazes where you have to have the right balls (lol). highlight below to see the solutions so you don't throw your computer through a computer.

puzzle 1:
Pick up red-white and green-white.
Go down, down.
Trade the red orbs.
Go right, up, up.

puzzle 2:
Pick up blue-white and green-black.
Go right, right, down.
Pick up red-white.
Go up, left, down, left, down.
Trade the blue orbs.
Go right, up, up.
Trade the green orbs.
Go down, right, down.

previous: The Network Node | next: Hands Down | home: system's twilight

by abby, fucking around in 2021. made with love, powered by sugarfree red bull.