The Ruins

this time, instead of pushing the blocks, you get to pull them! i'm posting a picture of each puzzle and a labeling scheme for the boxes, and under those, the spoiler bars with a list of moves to make.

Pull D left.
Pull E down.
Pull F left.
Pull E left.
Pull F down.
Pull E down.
Pull A down twice.
Pull I left.
Pull I down.
Pull K down.
Pull G down.
Pull C right.
Go to the exit.

Pull K up twice.
Pull G left.
Pull J right.
Pull D down three spaces.
Pull E left as far as possible.
Pull A down twice.
Pull E up.
Pull B left.
Pull A up twice.
Pull F left as far as possible.
Pull C down as far as possible.
Go to the exit.

previous: In The Dark | next: Ghost Tale | home: system's twilight

by abby, fucking around in 2021. made with love, powered by sugarfree red bull.