it's wig time!

i shaved my head in january 2023. since then, i have had a lot of fun playing around with wigs, mostly from Epic Cosplay Wigs. sometimes i do stuff that's more complicated than "trim the bangs, zigzag part, pigtails", and i'd like to display it somewhere!


Blodeuwedd started out life as a Hestia wig in Fusion Vanilla Purple - i think i bought her to do a Madam Mim cosplay, but who's to say? anyway, she's great for feeling like a fairy princess, but i decided the color was too similar to my skin tone (i believe they call it "fishbelly white"), so i looked around to figure out how dyeing wigs works.

good old Epic Cosplay helped me out again - they have a guide to Sharpie-dyeing wigs! i assembled my materials (let's not talk about the multiple false starts i had) and got started.

materials! the red bull, water bottle, and car keys are optional. the important stuff: rubbing alcohol, Sharpies, mixing jar, scissors, pliers, and plastic bags to keep from dripping dye on community property. not shown: nitrile gloves (two pairs).

a jar of isopropyl alcohol and the inkwells from four purple Sharpies looks like something that would give me superpowers if i drank it, but i restrained myself and dunked the wig in it instead.

i sat around for ten minutes letting that soak (for future reference, i'd soak it at least ten minutes longer, but it was so much colder out than i wanted it to be - somehow i am one hundred and forty-eight years old yet cannot remember to check the fucking weather app). then i pulled it out to air-dry, which didn't work very well, because as previously stated: cold!

finally, i gave up and wrapped the wig up in a shower cap and went inside, and left her to dry the rest of the way in a room with the door shut. (i really didn't want the cat to give purple highlights to himself OR the carpet.) when she felt reasonably dry, i went to the bathroom sink to rinse her off. this was a bad plan - it's hard to tell if the water is running clear if the dang sink stops up - so i did a little amateur plumbing and then finished rinsing the wig in the bathtub.

after MORE drying (this time aided by a towel), i used a generous amount of this absolutely magical wig spray to comb the wig out and see how she looked. a little subtler and bluer than i expected, but pretty good for my first try!

then it was STYLING TIME! i followed these instructions to get the wig into a nice Gibson tuck. here's the aerial view: i am a master of photography.

and then: FLOWERS. Blodeuwedd got her name halfway through this process.

back left
back center
back right
left profile
front view
right profile

so there you go! the adventures of Blodeuwedd the wig in making me feel pretty \o/

by abby, fucking around in 2024. made with love, powered by regular red bull (RIP aspartame).