(no, not taskMASTER.)
this walkthrough is built for comfort, not for speed, just because that's how i enjoy playing. there are speed-run walkthroughs out there, and that's a perfectly cromulent way to play, but i like futzing around.
these are all the tasks you need to accomplish!
here's a list of all the spells you can cast using Other spell to invoke... (shift-O).
helpful hints:
- talk to people! if they're not in a good mood, give them stuff (the Bestow command, lowercase b) and then talk to them - the messages may change.
- look around! there are hidden traps and passwalls and all kinds of things lurking.
- don't skip the Tutorial! you can pick up some useful stuff, plus you can level up (by casting Illuminate Area [shift-I] or Hasten Self [shift-H]) without having to worry about eating or fighting. i like to get my character clear up to level 7 before i venture into Outer Terra.
- after you've met the TaskMaker, but before you do anything else, i highly recommend wandering around the Lost Gardens for a while. there's a Wish For Any Object buried in a spot that only appears after you've flipped the right switch, which you can use to get a Food Ring (so you never have to eat again), a Vision Cloak (so you can see through walls and trees), or if you know the right spell, both!
- when you fight, try to do it from a position where only one enemy can reach you at a time (for instance, open curtains and doors with Action [lowercase a] instead of by walking through them).
here are all the locations in the game:
have fun!
by abby, fucking around in 2021. made with love, powered by sugarfree red bull.